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tamoadmin 2024-05-21 人已围观

简介先推荐你一个好听点的公司名字吧哈尔滨市博睿达汽车电器厂Fast&Farsighted Electrical Applicance of Automobile Factory, Harbin 注明:英语讲究押头韵(alliteration)的美感,两个单词选择了同样开头,fast是寓意汽车快捷,farsighted是有远见即博与睿的意思。希望若还没有正式公司名的你喜欢。 接下来的翻译将严格按照拼音和



哈尔滨市博睿达汽车电器厂Fast&Farsighted Electrical Applicance of Automobile Factory, Harbin



哈尔滨市博睿达汽车电器厂自1997年建厂以来一直致力于汽车发电机调节器?整流器的再制造。其中很多技术拥有自主产权? 现已再制造发电机调节器。

Since the establishment in 1997, Boruida Electrical Applicance of Automobile Factory, Harbin has dedicated to reproduce dynamo governors and rectifiers of automobiles, which owns many patents for some of the techniques. Now it has reproduced many dynamo governors.


It owns over 800 brands of rectifiers, which embraces BOSCH, VALEO, MITSUBISHI, NIPPONDENSO, HITACHI, FORD, REMY, CHRYSLER, MANDO, LUCAS and so on. These rectifiers are scientifically processed and strictly detected to suit the standard from the original factory OE.


博睿达汽车电器厂秉承“质量为本 信誉至上”的企业理念。愿携手国内外新老客户共同发展。

The dynamo governors and rectifiers of automobiles the company produce have won the confidence of customers home and abroad, which have been equiped by several electricity generation factories in our country. Boruida Electrical Applicance of Automobile Factory holds the idea, that is, "Enhance Quality and Enjoy Reputation". We wish to invite new and orginal customers home and abroad for mutual development.


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